Publications and Conferences

Ruth’s academic work addresses a broad range of issues in the field of international law and is cited by international tribunals and scholars. Topics addressed in her publications include: evidentiary challenges in international disputes, most favored nation treatment, taxation, transparency, ethics, damages, enforcement, litigation finance, sanctions and sovereign debt.


Sharing the Pain of Award Payment and Climate Change Policy: a Collective Fund for ICSID Awards (forthcoming, Springer)

O Nottebohm and an Imaginary Conversation with Kurt Lipstein, Arbitration International, Volume 39, Issue 2 (June 2023)

Insolvência, Arbitragem Internacional e Financiamento de Disputas de Arbitragem: Algumas Considerações da Perspectiva do Financiador, Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem Blog,  (February 2022) 

From Lena Goldfields to Crystallex: A Proposal for Collective Financing of Sovereign Award Debt, Arbitration International, Tribute Issue in Honor of Johnny Veeder Vol. 2 (June 2021)

The Third-Party Funding Debate: A Misguided Focus on Definitions at the Expense of Policy Considerations, BCDR International Arbitration Review 5, no. 2 (2018): 165–180.

What’s Tax Got to Do With It? The Yukos Tribunal’s Approach to Motive and Treaty Interpretation, Transnational Dispute Settlement/Oil and Gas Intelligence Series Advance Publication (December 2014).

Utilities, Government Regulations and Energy Investment Arbitrations, GAR GUIDE TO ENERGY ARBITRATION, 63 (October 2015). (Co-author with Nigel Blackaby).

The Latest Award from the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal: The Line Between Approximation of Damages and Ruling Ex Aequo et Bono, International Decisions, AJIL Vol. 109 369 (April 2015). (Co-author with Stephen Schwebel)

A Look At The Public Interest In Investment Arbitration: Is It Unique? What Should We Do About It? Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol. 5 (2010) (Riesenfeld Symposium).

Case Report on Saipem v. Bangladesh, Arbitration International, Arbitration International, (2010) Volume 26, Issue 2.

Towards A Presumption of Transparency in Investment Arbitration, World Arbitration & Mediation Review Volume 2 (2008) No. 3.

Recent Fact-Finding Developments at the International Court of Justice, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, Vol. 6, (2007).

Challenges of Arbitrators at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal: Defining the Role of the Appointing Authority, Journal of International Arbitration, Vol. 23 (2006)

Who’s Afraid of Maffezini? Recent Developments in the Interpretation of Most Favored Nation Clauses, Journal of International Arbitration, Volume 22(3) 2005.

Privacy, Confidentiality and Third Party Participation: Recent Developments in NAFTA Chapter Eleven Arbitration, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2: 249-267 (2003)

Conferences and Speaking Engagements

“How ‘Fast-Thinking’ Through English Jargon Distorts Markets and Stifles Reform, ICCA Hong Kong 2024, Panel on “Culture, Localisation and Regionalism” (May 2024)

Leveraging Financial & Technical Experts: Views of Counsel, Arbitrator and External Financier, Breakfast Discussion, New York Arbitration Week (November 2023)

African International Economic Law Network (AfIELN): Sixth Biennial Conference on International Economic Law (Accra, Ghana): Proposal for a Collective, Climate Trust Fund for Payment of ICSID Awards (June 2023)

ITA ESG Seminar in Spanish, Diálogos de la Iniciativa para las Américas: Sesión 4 | Sector FinancieroApril 2023 (moderator), link to recording available here.
(password 0+5Jb3F8)

Washington Arbitration Week: December 2022: Panel on Enforcement of Awards, recording available here

Georgetown Society of International Arbitration Latin America, November 2022: The Role of Domestic Law in Latin America, Environmental Regulation and the Notion of Legitimate Expectations under International Law

A Collective ICSID Award Fund Financed with Sovereign Green Bonds: Aligning the Goals of Foreign Investment, Development and Climate Change Policy (EISIL International Economic Law Workshop, Glasgow, March 2022)
YoungITATalks: Arbitration & Insolvency: When Theory Meets Practice (October 2021)

Sovereign States – a Rorschach Test? ThoughtLeaders4Fire (February  2021)

The Future of Dispute Financing: Pricing, Profits, and Policy, NYU Center on Civil Justice (October 2019)

Enforcement of Arbitration Awards and Judgments Against Sovereigns, International Section of the New York State Bar Association (June 2018)

Co-chair of 14th Annual ITA-ASIL Conference on Third Party Funding in International Arbitration: Legal & Ethical Considerations (April 2017)

Environmental Claims and Investment Arbitration, NY State Bar Association Panel, (May 2017)

Co-Chair ITA-ASIL Conference on Third Party Funding (April 2017)

Investor-State arbitration: What Does The Future Hold? NY Bar Association Meeting in Paris, I(October 2016)

Third Party Funding and Security for Costs for Arbitration: a discussion of the draft ICCA-ASIL Third Party Funding Task Force Report, NYIAC (January 2016)

Seminario de Arbitraje Internacional (Cámara Nacional de Comercio de la Ciudad de México, El Consejo de Posgraduados para la Innovación y Desarrollo Económico Yucatan, A.C., Mérida, Yucatán) (October 2015)

ABA Spring Conference, Roundtable on ISDS (April 2015)

Issue Conflict in Investment Arbitration, Report and Debate, ASIL Annual Meeting (April 2015)

Efficiency in International Arbitration, co-sponsored by Young ICDR/Columbia Law School Arbitration Association (March 2015)

ITA Winter Roundtable Debate, Issue Conflicts in Investment Arbitration (January 2015)

ITA Winter Roundtable Debate: Issue Conflicts in International Arbitration: Pandora’s Box or Necessary Regulation? (Moderator) (January 2015)

ITA Winter Roundtable Debate: Do Arbitrators Have an Inherent Authority to Apply Human Rights Principles in Energy Disputes? (Moderator) (February 2014)

Contract and Treaty Rights In Investment Arbitration, Finnish Arbitration Association, University of Helsinki (November 2013)

National Public Radio, Interview by Nina Totemberg concerning the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women’s position as amicus before the United States Supreme Court (Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International) (June 20, 2013)

Los tratados bilaterales para la promoción y protección de inversiones y el desarrollo del concepto de discriminación, CEDCA Conference, Caracas, Venezuela (April 2009) 

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